Amani eSign

The efficient, user-friendly electronic signature solution

Secure your digital contracts with ease using qualified electronic signatures, ensuring legal compliance and peace of mind for all parties involved.


Automate the renewal process effortlessly, saving time and ensuring timely updates for clients.


Effortlessly investigate exceptions within the client portal, enabling swift resolution and improved client satisfaction.

Set Risk

Set up tailored risk protocols to mitigate potential risks effectively, ensuring compliance and peace of mind.

Integrate with
3rd Party datasets

Integrate seamlessly with third-party datasets to enrich client information and enhance decision-making capabilities.

Compliant Contract Signing

The complete digital contract solution

The signature engine verifies the authenticity of an uploaded signature by comparing it with the digital signature stored on the user’s mobile device. This comparison involves extracting data points (features) from both signatures, selecting around 1000 points from each based on the edges of the signatures.

Subsequently, we align the images of both signatures to determine the distribution distance between their feature points. Based on the similarity of these points, we establish a threshold to either accept or reject the uploaded signature. Our process operates synchronously to ensure instant service, aligning with users’ expectations for seamless experiences on digital platforms.

How does it work?

Auto-filled corporate contracts with your details

The user begins by verifying their identity using Amani Veritas

Then watch as all personal data effortlessly populates in the corporate contract, reducing data entry errors and enhancing accuracy.

Digital Signature

The user signs with their digital signature

Our digital signature engine compares the uploaded signature to the one on the ID document, providing an additional layer of authentication.

Ready to get started?

Explore Amani Ai, or create an account instantly and start verifying. You can also contact us to design a custom package for your business.

Always know what you pay

Integrated per-transaction pricing with no hidden fees.

Start your integration

Get up and running with Amani in as little as 1 hour.